A benefit for Friends of the Children

Watch SUM Design Studio design and build a modern dollhouse for Friends of the Children fundraiser auction.

Auction will be held May 12th in Portland. Save the Date!

Wednesday, February 23, 2011

Friends of the Children featured on NPR

Money for Mentors: Portland Program Sees Success

A great story on NPR's All Things Considered aired on February 21st talking about the success of this unique program. All of us at SUM are so excited to be a part of the fundraising for such a wonderful organization.

Thursday, February 3, 2011

4th Graders Thoughts on Designing a Dollhouse

We had a 4th grade class in participate in our project by asking how they would design a dollhouse. The responses were really great! Here are a few of our favorites.

Wednesday, February 2, 2011

Design Charette with Kids

We had a great time last night at the office design charette seeing how kids would design a doll house. Three pizzas and a box of crayons later, we had 5 great schemes from the kids. It was so much fun to get their take on the project and see them work together. A common theme throughout all schemes... Disco balls.