A benefit for Friends of the Children

Watch SUM Design Studio design and build a modern dollhouse for Friends of the Children fundraiser auction.

Auction will be held May 12th in Portland. Save the Date!

Wednesday, March 30, 2011

"How To" Instructions

We're so excited to be working with Classic Exhibits on the construction of the dollhouse!

As the time gets closer to assemble and auction the dollhouse, we've been thinking about how to create a set of drawings that will come with the house, includ
ing "how to" diagrams for assembling your own at home. Our goal is to have plans available to purchase from us after the auction, so if you didn't get to buy the house, you could still buy the plans and construct your own at home. It would also include some simple diagrams for assembly. To get inspiration for these diagrams, we started looking at Lego instruction manuals, where simple graphics are used to explain the assembly process.

Tuesday, March 22, 2011

The Design is Coming Together!

After a great progress meeting on Monday, the dollhouse design is really coming together. We have been mocking it up in the office with paper and cardboard to see what works and what doesn't. The entire design fits on a 4'x8' sheet of wood, so anyone who wants to buy the plans for the house will be able to buy a sheet and cut it out at home.

We have another meeting today to go over the design one last time before we start pitching it to local builders.

Wednesday, March 16, 2011

Process Drawings

Here are great process sketches from the past couple of weeks. We're trying to figure out not only how to bring the kids' point of view into this dollhouse, but also how to stay true to our design aesthetic. And of course, there is the question of how this thing goes together. We've had some great conversations in the office about this project and it's been a great learning experience.
We are still talking with a few different people about collaborating with us on the construction of the house. More on that later!

Friends of the Children Portland - I Believe

Wednesday, March 2, 2011

Design Progress

The dollhouse design is coming together! Here's a photo of some process work from over the weekend. We're also starting to think about who to collaborate with to actually build the house, so if you know of a skilled woodworker who would like to volunteer for a great cause, let us know!

As we work toward the final design for the dollhouse, we are reminding ourselves that the kids are the ultimate client. Having the design charette early on with the kids has directly informed what the design should be and its really exciting seeing their ideas expressed through the dollhouse.